Mentoring Program


8-week virtual course

11PT/2ET every Wednesday starting June 7th

This 8-week virtual program will take participants through the steps in the Roadmap to Funding. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your existing business, The Roadmap to Funding Mentoring will provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to embark on your funding journey.

Participants will receive advice and guidance from a panel of women investors, entrepreneurs, and professionals who will provide insights and answer questions on the weekly topics. After each panel the ladies will then gather with their mentor and cohort to review the weeks topics and help each other with their process. It will culminate in the final week’s pitch contest where the winner will be listed on The Panther Group deal sheet and sent to our investor network.



SKU: N/A Category:

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Payment Plan

Pay in Full, 3 Monthly Payments